Friday, May 08, 2009

I carried, I sat, I put.

I haven't been able to come up with something to post, for a couple of reasons:
  1. family dragging me to go out for a scenic vacation
  2. waking up with my brain still sleeping
  3. feeling of frustration and other negative emotions before I can think of something to write
  4. any of the above
Right now, I have a few, so this entry will be short.

I had to be the carrier as my family went on a shopping spree at the Camarillo (pronounced ka-ma-ri-lo; the last syllable not with -leeyo) Shopping Outlet. They bought a lot of bags, shoes, and more that my two hands can't carry in one trip. I had to sit on safe spots, designated probably for fellow carriers of shopping.

I carried, I sat, I put. They point, they pick, they pass to me.

We had a dinner at Shakey's. I missed going there. It was a long time ago that I went there. I was a little kid, hanging around the bowling alley. Those were the days. Now I'm reliving the experience, as a 23-year-old adult. Haha.

Went home full. That is all.

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